
Keep track of every change to the YCloud API.


  • Add filterBlocked to the Enqueue a WhatsApp Message endpoint. If set to ture, we will not send messages to users in your block list.



  • Add regionCode to the WhatsApp Message object.





  • Add Register a phone number endpoint.
  • Add id to the WhatsApp Phone Number object.
  • Add paymentMethodAttached to the WhatsApp Business Account object.



  • Add request parameter filterUnsubscribed to the Enqueue a WhatsApp message endpoint. If set to true, the message will not be sent to users who have unsubscribed from your account.



  • Support WhatsApp Zero-Tap Authentication template.
  • Add message time-to-live for authentication templates. Defaults to 600 seconds for newly created authentication templates.





  • Add Contacts API /v2/contact/contacts. Use it to create, update, or delete your contacts.


  • Add conversation.type to the WhatsApp Message object. If present, possible values are FREE_ENTRY, FREE_TIER, and REGULAR.
  • Add isOfficialBusinessAccount to the WhatsApp Phone Number object.


  • Add rate limit headers to each response. See also Rate Limits.



  • Add WhatsApp messaging API /v2/whatsapp/messages/sendDirectly. See also WhatsApp Errors for error handling.
  • Add WhatsApp template deletion API DELETE /v2/whatsapp/templates/{wabaId}/{name}/{language}.
  • Add whatsappApiError to the response body error object.
  • Add qualityUpdateEvent to the WhatsApp Phone Number object.
  • Add sendTime, deliverTime, and readTime to the WhatsApp Message object.
  • Add new value TIER_NOT_SET to enum WhatsApp Phone Number messagingLimit.


  • WhatsApp conversations are charged when the first message of this conversation is delivered instead of sent. Thus, the totalPrice field of WhatsApp message objects is only an estimated price before the message is delivered, and it becomes the final price when the status is delivered or read. The balance taken up by those messages that are sent but haven't been delivered will not be available until the messages are dropped (Sent messages that are not delivered for 30 days are dropped). The conversation.expireTime is also an estimated expiration time until the first message of this conversation is delivered or read.
  • Add webhook event type whatsapp.template.category_updated to help you keep track of WhatsApp template category changes. See WhatsApp template category updated payload. For more information about template category migration, see also First template category migration.
  • Add new WhatsApp conversation origin types: authentication, marketing, utility, and service. The switch to the new pricing model will be performed on June 1, 2023. See also New conversation rates, effective June 1, 2023.
  • Support creating Authentication Templates With One-Time Password Buttons, which will be available starting May 1, 2023, and will be mandatory starting May 29, 2023.


  • Add response header YCloud-Request-ID for each request. See Request ID.
  • Add requestId to the response error object. See Errors.
  • Add new WhatsApp template categories: AUTHENTICATION, and UTILITY. See also Pricing Change Launch Timeline