WhatsApp Business Account Updated Examples



Make sure that your webhook endpoint is listening for whatsapp.business_account.updated events. See also Configure Webhooks, Retrieve a webhook endpoint API.

Authentication-International Rate Eligibility

Starting June 1, 2024, we are introducing a new authentication-international rate. This rate will apply in the the following countries:

  • June 1, 2024 – Indonesia (country calling code +62, country code ID)
  • July 1, 2024 – India (country calling code +91, country code IN)

For more information, see Authentication-International Rate Eligibility .

A whatsapp.business_account.updated webhook will be triggered if your business is deemed eligible for international rates. The webhook will include start times for each country that has an authentication-international rate.

  "id": "evt_djeIQXaQPQyUcRFi",
  "type": "whatsapp.business_account.updated",
  "apiVersion": "v2",
  "createTime": "2024-06-01T00:00:00.000Z",
  "whatsappBusinessAccount": {
    "id": "106681...",
    "authIntlRateEligibilityCountries": [
        "countryCode": "IN",
        "startTime": "2024-07-01T00:00:00.000Z"
        "countryCode": "ID",
        "startTime": "2024-07-01T00:00:00.000Z"

If a message is billed at the authentication-international rate, the whatsappMessage.pricingCategory in whatsapp.message.updated webhooks will be set to authentication_international.

Here is an example:

  "id": "evt_djeIQXaQPQyUcRFi",
  "type": "whatsapp.message.updated",
  "apiVersion": "v2",
  "createTime": "2024-07-01T00:00:00.000Z",
  "whatsappMessage": {
    "id": "63f5d602367ea403f8175a6c",
    "wamid": "wamid.BgNODYxN...",
    "wabaId": "whatsapp-business-account-id",
    "from": "+447901614024",
    "to": "+447901614024",
    "status": "sent",
    "type": "template",
    "template": {
      "name": "login_otp",
      "language": {
        "code": "862031",
        "policy": "deterministic"
    "conversation": {
      "id": "8078ed05301c40a08d3d1845c94ca18b",
      "originType": "authentication",
      "expireTime": "2024-07-01T00:00:00.000Z"
    "pricingCategory": "authentication_international",
    "totalPrice": 0.085,
    "currency": "USD",
    "sendTime": "2024-07-01T00:00:00.000Z"

Primary Business Location Update

Your primary business location is the country where your business is based. It will appear in the Business Manager under the Primary Business Location field starting May 1, 2024.

If Meta is able to determine the country where your business is based, we will trigger an whatsapp.business_account.updated webhook with the country's two-digit code.

Here is an example:

  "id": "evt_djeIQXaQPQyUcRFi",
  "type": "whatsapp.business_account.updated",
  "apiVersion": "v2",
  "createTime": "2024-06-01T00:00:00.000Z",
  "whatsappBusinessAccount": {
    "id": "106681...",
    "primaryBusinessLocation": "US"