Analysis report

Analytic page serves the purpose of providing insights into the number of users you've communicated with and the specific number of new customers added.

There are two ways to access the analytic page:

  • Select "Contacts" and choose "Growth Tools". Go to "My Tools" and find the corresponding growth tool you want to understand, then click on the number in the "Participants" column.
  • Select "Contacts" and choose "Growth Tools". Go to "My Tools" and find the corresponding growth tool you want to understand, then click the three-dot button and select "Analytics".

Read the analysis report

You can see details of user interactions per day, as well as aggregated information

Participants: The total number of people who replied to the custom message, no distinction is made between old and new users.

New user: The customer you have gained through the growth tool. Accumulate the number of unique people who reply to custom messages in a single day

The data will be updated every hour