Create WhatsApp Business API Account

Please prepare the following materials before starting the registration

Attention: A Facebook account is essential for Business Manager Account registration, we recommend to use an authentic Facebook account

  • One Business Manager Account. Register/login url:
  • One phone number
    • The phone number could receive the verification message/call
    • The phone number did not bundle in WhatsApp/WhatsApp Business account

1. Create WhatsApp Business API Account

Step-by-step Guidance:

  • Log in to your YCloud Account, Click to open YCoud
  • Click "Home - Getting Started" to start the embedded sign-up

  • After finishing the embedded sign-up, you can check your WhatsApp Business Account in "Home - WhatsApp accounts"

2. Finish the Business Verification

❓Why I need to do the Business Verification?
Unverified BM Account:Up to connect 2 phone numbers, and the conversation limitation is 250 per day
Verified BM Account:Up to connect 20 phone numbers, and the conversation limitation will growth depends on your sending volume

Step-by-step Guidance:

1. Prepare Materials

Please prepare the following materials, and ensure these materials are authentic and reliable

Attention: Please ensure that your company's official website includes accurate information at the bottom, matching precisely with the details on your corresponding business license.

  • Basic company information: name, address, phone number, official website.
  • Business License/Registration Certificate

2. Launch Business Verification

Ensure that you are the administrator of the BM account, then proceed to the BM backend Security Center to initiate the verification:

3. Waiting for verification result

Typically, it takes 1-2 business days, and you will receive an email notification.


Embedded Signup Error: